Executive coaching

Level up Your Professional and Personal Life

Action  |  Emotional Intelligence  |  Communication | Confidence  |  Leadership

What's keeping you stuck?

work with me

Let's get started

Ready to level up in business and relationships?  Show up confident in your communication?  

Actions and mindset work hand in hand in creating a new outcome.  And confusion usually leads to a NO.  Let’s declutter the confusion and overwhelm in misaligned actions, feelings, and thoughts! 

  1. Take in the feedback of how the outside world is responding to you. What’s working and what isn’t working.
  2. Address stress, overwhelm and blocks.
  3. Reconfigure your control by changing your behaviour and decisions (with blindspots highlighted).  Hiding behind safe actions is a thing of the past.
  4. Connect with your ability to see things with more clarity. 
  5. Say YES:  create opportunities and strategies that are in alignment with the reality you want to create. 

Coaching with me, Sarah Gajek, will help eliminate the distractions and confusion that slow down action to get you fast tracked to your next level.


Implementation = Results

  • Prioritize
  • Strategize
  • Follow Through
  • Clear Distractions


What are you waiting for.

  • Lifestyle by Design
  • Courageous Action
  • Risk outside your comfort zone
  • Possibility into Reality


Communication is oxygen.

  • Tough Conversations
  • Boundaries
  • Listening
  • Emotional Intelligence
about me

Sarah Gajek, Your next level Coach

I started my career as a Software Engineer in 2001. In 2009, I took my first coaching training and NLP training.  Practicing coaching skills while traveling the world as a digital nomad since 2010, I made living life on my own terms a reality and immersed myself in a world full of entrepreneurs, explorers, action-takers and personal development seekers.

I combine my love of logic and problem solving with a passion for understanding people. I then apply emotional intelligence to create a unique self-mastered ability to explain emotional concepts to a logical mind and vice versa.  I cut through the story telling to get to the root and then let it unravel to reveal the truth.  From there, inspired action combined with personal growth will create new results in the area of life that is asking for attention.   

I use these same principles in my own life by taking risks to follow my passions while moving through resistance so that I, too, am constantly stepping up.

My invitation to you is to step up too and to start bringing to life that which you want to create.  Reveal what’s coming up, go through it and build what’s next. Let’s level up.

“I am committed to helping you build a clear understanding and congruency with your goals by getting to the truth of what you want to do, say, and believe.  I will navigate you through the action steps to take a leadership position in a life you love.  Combining personal and professional.”

Frequently Asked Questions

Below are some frequently asked questions that should give you some insight into how working with me will help you achieve your personal and professional goals.

Each coach is unique just like every client is unique.  As your coach, I will use your professional life as context to create inner growth and aligned action so that you can move into your next level role.  As the famous Einstein quote goes (ish): You are not going to get different results doing the same thing. 

Things about your inner world will be revealed because it is reflected in your actions in the outside world.  So, if you want to change your results, change the way you play the game.  You can’t change the way you play until you understand how you’re playing.  That’s what will be uncovered and from there you can make a conscious choice with the new information to choose differently.  Many of us are playing in the world on default or pushing and hustling to get to where we want to go without actually looking at the rules that we are playing by.  If we find ourselves fighting our nature or what’s true for us, this can lead to burn out, conflict, blaming, shut down…. in short: SABOTAGE.

Basically, we are going to open how you see the world and give you new tools, mindset, and understanding to change how you’ve been playing and maybe even change the game.  

Just hire me and find out 😉

Finding a coach is a personal preference of expertise, skill and rapport. You need to feel comfortable to let me see and unpack what’s actually happening in your world so that the core problems or motivation for movement are unlocked. 

My intention is to reveal how you are thinking and then tweak it so you are in alignment with yourself and minimizing friction.  We are going to do some reality checks and test out alternative perspectives so that your options open.

Hiring me as your coach is creating a relationship where I will be your professional thinking partner.   The coaching experience itself is a journey as we are going to fill the gap from where you are to where you want to be.  We will get to know your internal world and external world for the purpose of awareness, new options and feedback.  Awareness of the internal world with the outside world reveals information that creates transformation at a core level.  

We will interview each other before signing on.  I need to understand your future vision and believe that you can achieve it!  As your coach, my client is future you and I’m going to advocate for that actualization as our sessions progress.  I will track your actions and mindset to assure that you are aligning with who you are becoming to achieve your goal.

Accountability is key.  I will not let you off the hook easily.  Accountability is an agreement.  As your coach, my responsibility is to future you and I will make sure that your decisions align with that version and we will go into any resistance that opposes it so you actually start to become who you want to be.

So, let’s meet and see if I am the right coach for you.

No. Together, we will come up with actions steps that move you forward.

I will:

  • point out what you might not see. 
  • Fill in missing pieces. 
  • Explain other perspectives to add more information to the situation. 
  • Give examples of different actions and impact. 
  • Highlight communication disconnects and how they can be fixed. 
  • Follow current trajectories and explore actions that create new ones closer to your target.


In the end, you will find your own language and align with what works for you.  When the decision comes from you, you take ownership of it and the results.  Personal responsibility and accountability is yours.  If you don’t want to do something then don’t do it because it came from an outside source (a “should”). We will go through your “shoulds” and instead discover what empowers you. From this place of empowerment, you take your decisions and own them. 

I will also hold you accountable.  You are making promises through your intended actions to your future self.  If you don’t follow through, we will go through it and realign.  As your coach, I want you to reach your goals.  I will not give up on your future self.

We will create a package that works for you and suits your needs. 

The initial package is for 10 sessions to gain quick momentum on your coaching objectives.  The frequency will be determined as needed.  

If you are making a big transition to a new role and you need to integrate your growth and build as responsibilities grow, we might carry on with longer packages.  

If you want a deep dive into a pressing issue, book single sessions as needed.

You choose.  Coaching is custom and I will work with you to make it work.  

Without action and follow through on your part, there are no results.  The action and follow through is up to you.  What I will do as your coach is go into what is blocking your actions and help to recalibrate actions based on the ongoing results and feedback of what you’ve implemented.  I will get you back on track when you slip and I am going to hold your possible future as a genuine reality even when you can’t.  We will course-correct to keep on target to the result you want.  That is going to require your determination and ownership of the results you are creating in your life.  It is likely going to take growth beyond your limiting beliefs and will require you to take uncomfortable action. In short, if you want results and do the work, you will get results.

What I will guarantee is a journey and growth.  My clients get to know themselves better and establish self-authority.  Decisions and actions come from congruency and not limitations.

Coaching is an investment.  It is specifically tailored to your needs at the time of the booking with an overarching vision of the future goal.  The initial 10X Package is $2000.  Individual sessions or monthly packages can be arranged as needed thereafter.

Coaching packages are available to set up a journey that builds on the previous actions and growth while calibrating with the feedback of what is working and what isn’t.  The package is set up to keep you moving and to have me along on your journey, invested in and advocating for future you so that you achieve your result or get the skills and confidence to do it on your own.

Our consultation call will establish the frequency and length that best works with you to create a custom package that is comfortable for you.  

My job is to unpack the confusion and overwhelm that is in the way of making decisions and taking action.  You are the one who knows your business best and so I will work with your expertise to put action steps in the right order and eliminate distraction to optimize progress to your desired outcome.  We collaborate with my ability to navigate and focus your expertise so you are clear on your highest impact actions.  Let me ask the questions that will zoom you out to the big picture so you can zoom in and get on track again.

Each client has a unique experience but the underlying theme is confidence and self-authority while creating their vision and goal.  They also get the tools to communicate with others proactively.  For example: set boundaries or ask direct questions (without pushing people away).  There is no need to let confusion linger and being passive is a  thing of the past.  They understand themselves better and thus ask for and pursue what they need. 

Confidence. Clarity. Productivity.  Leadership. Agency. 

All calls are done as zoom calls so location is not an issue.  Appointments are made through a scheduling link that will include the zoom details.

The first step is to book a Discover Discussion.  Meet me.

    • Am I someone you can trust to get you what you need?
    • Do you feel understood?
    • Do you believe you will get results working with me?
    • Do I speak your language?
    • Is my style of coaching what you are willing to trust and explore?

We will review where you are, where you want to go, what you’ve tried, what has worked, and what hasn’t worked.  Next, we will create a strategy that will set you up with the next steps to get you where you want to go.

Even if you don’t yet know where you want to go, we can go through what’s not working and clean up those messes so that the next path can be revealed.

Each client has an individual journey and I will customize your experience to what you need in the moment.

Let’s start NOW.

my services

Work With Me

unlock your potential

Custom Coaching Journeys

Each person is unique and so the coaching journey will also be unique.  I will tailor coaching to your needs with a plan that evolve as you do. Below are some sample coaching journeys with what we could work on.  


  • Initiate your Next Level
  • Reset key areas of life
  • Clean up entanglements
  • Remove Blocks
  • Eliminate distractions/past
  • Set yourself up for success
  • What’s working/ What’s not working… and fix it!
  • (Self assessment and take care of what is)


  • Design your next level
  • Evaluate Options
  • Decisions
  • Organize
  • Priorities
  • Mindset
  • Clarity
  • Boundaries
  • (Self Identify)


  • Be your Next Level
  • Action
  • Discipline
  • Focus
  • Conflict resolution
  • Proactive
  • Self-Awareness and Social Awareness
  • Conscious communication
  • Emotional Intelligence
  • (Co-create outside of self)

What My Clients Say

get in touch

Have Questions?

Not yet ready to meet on a call?  Send me any questions that will help you make that decision.  Looking forward to hearing from you!


In what area of life are you stuck?
In what area of life are you stuck?
In what area of life are you stuck?
Work/Life Balance
Get a summary and reflective questions to help you get unstuck and into action!
In what area of life are you stuck?
In what area of life are you stuck?
In what area of life are you stuck?
Work/Life Balance
Get a summary and reflective questions to help you get unstuck and into action!
  • Let's introduce ourselves to see if our personalities and values align.
  • Ask me any questions about working with me as your coach and clarify the type of coaching you are looking for.
  • We will review your objectives and obstacles to see if I am the right coach for you!
  • Let's introduce ourselves to see if our personalities and values align.
  • Ask me any questions about working with me as your coach and clarify the type of coaching you are looking for.
  • We will review your objectives and obstacles to see if I am the right coach for you!
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Talk to you soon!
Press Send to receive a scheduling link for your free consultation. If you haven't received an email within 24 hours, please check your SPAM.
Talk to you soon!
(Free 30 minute coaching session)
  • Create a crystal clear vision of your next level future.
  • Uncover hidden challenges and blind spots that may be sabotaging your success.
  • Leave the session renewed, inspired, and reenergized to take your next action!
(Free 30 minute coaching session)
  • Create a crystal clear vision of your next level future.
  • Uncover hidden challenges and blind spots that may be sabotaging your success.
  • Leave the session renewed, inspired, and reenergized to take your next action!