my services

Coaching Packages

“If you want a high quality future,

you must reject a low quality present.”

Reach Your Full Potential

You are a multi-faceted complicated being playing out many different roles in your life.  How can you reach your full potential while balancing the external world demands with the internal world desires?  Get in alignment with your decisions and actions.  

  • Take decisive action.
  • Eliminate distractions and self-sabotage.
  • Align actions with your words and intentions.
  • Show up with confidence (stop holding back and playing small).
  • Develop EQ (soft skills) to build connections, relationships and self mastery.
  • Live by principles of integrity, discipline, and follow-through.
  • Design and implement your forward career/life plan.
  • Hack your body, mind, emotions to work for you. 
  • Create a mindset of positive expectation.
  • Create a richer experience of life.
  • Become the most extraordinary version of yourself.

Figure out what’s not working and recalibrate, pivot, redesign, or level up your skills. 


What's Included


All coaching will start with a free introductory meeting to determine that we are a good fit and that my skills meet your area of coaching requested.

Direct messaging

Messages can be sent to me for quick questions or insights in between calls. I will respond within 24 hours.


Each client has an individual journey and I will customize your experience to what you need in the moment.  We will set out a goal for the coaching journey and keep you on target while tailoring the coaching experience based on the feedback of the new actions taken.

action steps & accountability

Each coaching session is structured to decide on action steps that will move you forward. Accountability will come in when we address the resistance and excuses on actions not completed. We will find your personal operating language and the limiting beliefs hiding in the subconscious so you get done what needs to get done.

Detailed session

If requested, the call can be recorded and sent at the end of each call. Notes will be taken during the call and agreed upon action steps and key insights uncovered will be delivered.

Quick Check-in

Agreed upon action steps may benefit from a check-in when a deadline is decided or to communicate the result of actions taken. If what you say you will do doesn't get done, it's best to catch it early!


My Specialties


A first step to build confidence is to show up as you and not what is expected or a characterization of you. When you accept all of your aspects instead of judging them and shrinking behind insecurities, you can move into powerful confidence and build your competencies and presence.


Figure out what's not working and why to redirect and reframe actions that work for you. Get systems in place that support your success and eliminate distractions and sabotage. Actions don't need to be pushed through by sheer will. Taking action can come from an inspired space.


Transform miscommunication and disconnects. This can result from the difference in what is being heard versus what is thought to be delivered. I teach how to move from passive communication and mental drama, overthinking, assumptions, and expectations to active communication that dissolves misunderstanding.


Based on your actions and how you communicate, I can present your current mindset that is holding you back and transform it to one that still aligns with you AND works FOR YOU. We will find what is true and what is false and find another way to get the benefits that holding a self-defeating mindset is protecting.

overcome obstacles/excuses

Excuses and obstacles have a starting point in complaints. I take the things that you complain about to get to the root of underlying unmet expectations or needs and move you towards solutions that work for you. Stop surrendering your personal power by blaming and complaining.

emotional intelligence

Opening levels of emotional intelligence (EQ) can unlock superpowers in understanding others and yourself. Empathy and sensing multiple perspectives can lead to solutions quicker than the route of assumptions, projections, and expectations. EQ can help with conflict navigation and dissolving potential drama (especially in relationships!). Mastering this soft skill builds connection and can also increase your leadership competency and capacity.


Knowing who you are and how you operate introduces choice into your actions instead of playing by default. You can transform reactions to responses and step outside of your programming. Bring presence to how you are participating and contributing to your life direction and results.

life by design

Consider multiple aspects of your life: Relationships, Work, Work/Life Balance, Personal Goals, Time, Environment. Design a life that you are excited to create and participate in!

unlock your potential


10X package

  • 10 x 50 min online call
  • Dedicated custom journey to a goal
  • Calibrate feedback from new actions
  • Commitment to the result
  • Build on previous actions
  • Accountability
  • Consistency
  • Maintain focus
  • Confidence
  • Strategies

“Success doesn’t Have an age limit”


  • Personal and professional goals achievement
  • Improved personal leadership, including work/life balance
  • Confidence in your actions and presence
  • Increased accountability and focus
  • Improved self-awareness and perspective 
  • Growth in leadership competency and capacity
  • Better systems for priority management
  • More connected interpersonal relationships
  • An inspired life with a purposeful design

How it works

Each Session will build from the previous and is directed by what is being revealed within our exploration.  We will focus on what needs attention first by taking a whole person approach.  Often how we are in one area of life has ripple effects in other areas.  

A session may go as follows:

  1. Review the results of previous actions steps.
  2. Assess current situation: where at, current blocks or challenges, where to move towards next.
  3. Set the intention of the coaching session. (What is the top priority?)
  4. Explore options and actions as a result of going deeper into mindset, intentions, alignment/mismatch, resistance, what’s working and what’s not working.  Clear mental or emotional clutter and refocus.
  5. Receive feedback, fill in missing pieces, practice.
  6. Brainstorm and strategize solutions, clarity, and direction.
  7. Set action steps to move you forward!
We will build on self-reflection and awareness to then take these insights into action to outside world.  

“In Understanding the problem, 

the solution reveals itself.”

Right Fit

Is This for me?

If you are:

Then, YES.

In what area of life are you stuck?
In what area of life are you stuck?
In what area of life are you stuck?
Work/Life Balance
Get a summary and reflective questions to help you get unstuck and into action!
In what area of life are you stuck?
In what area of life are you stuck?
In what area of life are you stuck?
Work/Life Balance
Get a summary and reflective questions to help you get unstuck and into action!
  • Let's introduce ourselves to see if our personalities and values align.
  • Ask me any questions about working with me as your coach and clarify the type of coaching you are looking for.
  • We will review your objectives and obstacles to see if I am the right coach for you!
  • Let's introduce ourselves to see if our personalities and values align.
  • Ask me any questions about working with me as your coach and clarify the type of coaching you are looking for.
  • We will review your objectives and obstacles to see if I am the right coach for you!
Press Send to receive a scheduling link for your free consultation. If you haven't received an email within 24 hours, please check your SPAM.
Talk to you soon!
Press Send to receive a scheduling link for your free consultation. If you haven't received an email within 24 hours, please check your SPAM.
Talk to you soon!
(Free 30 minute coaching session)
  • Create a crystal clear vision of your next level future.
  • Uncover hidden challenges and blind spots that may be sabotaging your success.
  • Leave the session renewed, inspired, and reenergized to take your next action!
(Free 30 minute coaching session)
  • Create a crystal clear vision of your next level future.
  • Uncover hidden challenges and blind spots that may be sabotaging your success.
  • Leave the session renewed, inspired, and reenergized to take your next action!